Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) and performance

Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs)

Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) were introduced in April 2023, as a means to assess how well social landlords in England and Wales are doing at providing quality homes and services. Emh and other landlords with 1,000 or more homes must submit their TSMs' data annually to the Regulator of Social Housing, and publish in a manner that is timely, clear, and easily accessed by tenants.

The TSMs form part of the new ​Transparency, Influence and Accountability Standard. You can view an easy read version here

The Tenant Satisfaction Measures reported below show our end of year performance (April 2023 – March 2024).  There are 12 tenant perception questions which cover several areas such as overall satisfaction and how safe people feel in their homes, and these results are captured through a customer feedback survey.  Alongside these, there are 10 technical performance measures covering things like building safety, repairs, complaints and anti-social behaviour.  This information comes from our internal data management systems.

To see a summary of our approach, please click here.

To see our questionnaire, please click here.

Our 2023/24 results

In September and October 2023, a randomly selected sample of tenants were invited to take part in an important survey. A total of 1,000 tenants took part in the telephone interview surveys carried out by the independent market research company – Acuity Research and Practice.

Similar surveys were conducted with 325 randomly selected shared owners and 119 leaseholders.

The results for each are published in the below leaflet PDFs and a summary video. If you're:

For our technical TSM results, please click here

Quality and performance

Please find below, copies of our latest quality and performance newsletters.