About emh group

We continue to be driven by our core values of Integrity, Diversity, Openness, Accountability, Clarity and Excellence to support communities in the East Midlands and influence national policy

Chan Kataria OBE, emh Chief Executive


About emh group

Emh group is one of the largest providers of affordable homes and care & support services in the East Midlands.

We have more than 21,790 properties in over 45 local authority areas across the region, and we provide care and support to hundreds more customers.

Our group includes:

  • emh homes: providing affordable homes for rent and ownership across the region
  • emh care & support: providing care and support services to a wide range of customers, from people with disabilities to victims of domestic abuse
  • Midlands Rural Housing: specialist rural housing services and expertise
  • Sales: a specialist homes sales agency

A significant business

Emh group is a significant business in the region. In 2022/23 we had a turnover of £130 million and net assets of £242.5 million. We are a major employer with 1,139 employees across the group.

We invest in building around 400 properties every year, using local contractors and suppliers wherever possible.

Read further highlights of our performance and growth in our latest annual review.

Gender Pay Gap Report 2023 & Ethnicity Pay Gap Report 2023

As an employer with more than 250 employees (1,139 recorded for 2022/23), in line with Gender Pay Reporting under the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017 we have published a report showing the difference between the average earnings of men and women.  In line with our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy, we have also included ethnicity pay gap details in this year’s report. Please find our Gender Pay Gap report here and our supporting infographics here.

Race Equality Code

Diversity is a core value of emh group. As such, our board has adopted the Race Equality Code 2020, and have action plans in place to work towards compliance with the Code. Our board has approved these statements in relation to the Code’s four principles.

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) report

We’re committed to ensuring that our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) credentials are aligned with our mission, vision and values.

To find out more please read our latest ESG report. This report was published in 2021, the next edition will be published in 2024.